About Us

Our Story

On a hot summer day, three young minds gathered, heads down. The matter under discussion was their concerns over the frequent power outages and skyrocketing electric bills.

They felt need for a modern, updated, and more user-friendly platform that should help power consumers – not only to check their electricity bills, but also with a free online calculator to estimate and strategically lowers the bills.

Market Gap

The existing gateways on the web were falling short of meeting the real user needs. Although they were somehow managing it, but not doing enough to answer the queries that users would look for.

Recognizing this gap, we determined to step into the market and bridge it.

The Revolutionary Creation

On December 15, we created fescobil.pk – the only source that covers everything about FESCO Online Bills. Our sole focus? You.

At Fesco Bil, we are a team of passionate experts committed to helping users with their Faisalabad Electric Supply Company (FESCO) bills.

Our website, fescobill.pk is your free resource to check, calculate, download, or print duplicate FESCO bills online.

Our Team

Leo Daniel, Researcher & Content Planner at Fesco Bil

Leo Daniel

Researcher & Content Planner

An electrical engineer with over 7 years of field experience, Leo is an invaluable asset to our team. Leo is the crown of his field, and he leads our office overseeing research on power, energy, and electricity bills. Leo loves his job, and he is committed to delivering the best to our visitors. But he is not just a desk-bound expert. Beyond the world of circuits and wires, Leo is a fan of recreational activities and outdoor games.

Kashif Khan, Content Manager at Fesco Bil

Kashif Khan

Content Manager

Meet Kashif Khan, the wizard behind the words at Fesco Bil! With over 5 years of mastering the art of content management, Kashif really has found the secret key to unlock excellence in his profession. A ferocious reader, he is often found among books in a library. When off his laptop, Kashif accompanies nature, and goes hiking on weekends.

Angela Phrase, Lead Designer at Fesco Bil

Angela Phrase

Lead Designer

Angela is the lead designer at Fesco Bil. Playing with colors and crafting sophisticated designs for over 6 years, she is gem of a person and professional at the same time. Her wickedly novel ideas make Angela a creative force in our expert team. When she’s not chasing laughter with her two toddlers, Angela is on her laptop with a cup of coffee, working behind the scenes to make sure you have the best user experience with us.

Julia Osborn, Social Media Manager & Marketer at Fesco Bil

Julia Osborn

Social Media Manager & Marketer

Dynamic and strategic, Julia is a treehugger at heart, who would also keep a finger on the pulse of trends. Her modus operandi? Create the best content on the Internet and ensure that Fesco Bil reaches and resonates with our audience.

CEO’s Message

Our sole aim is to serve you in the best way we can. Our team is always up to make your experience easy and convenient with our tools and guides answering queries on any topic related to Fesco online bill.

However, if you believe there is more left at our disposal, you can make a direct contact with us. In order for you to approach us, we urge you follow us on social media through the links below.

Thank you.

Let’s Connect!